Serving Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey with clients worldwide

Philadelphia Immigration Law Firm

United States immigration law can unite families, assist an expanding business, and open up a whole new world of opportunities for immigrants in the United States and abroad.

The attorneys at Sweet & Paciorek, LLC are personal and honest with each of their clients, getting to know their exact needs and opportunities for a future in the United States. Attorney Lindsey has lived and traveled widely in Mexico and is fluent in Spanish and English, allowing her to offer consultations in both languages. Attorney Anna is a native of Poland and is fluent in Polish and English, allowing her to offer consultations in both languages. If you are interested in understanding your family members’, or your employee’s opportunities to live, work, or study in the United States, Sweet & Paciorek can help.

Sweet & Paciorek, an Immigration Law Firm, is the right fit for your immigration needs. Contact us for a consultation today!


0 Years Of Practice
0 Pro-Bono Hours This Year
0 Clients Nationalities
0′s Families Reunited

Who Are Our Clients



Competent legal defense before an Immigration Judge can mean the difference between being able to stay in the United States and deportation. Respondents in removal proceedings rely on our experienced attorneys to fight on their behalf and present the strongest possible case to ensure the best outcome for each individual. Sweet & Paciorek’s extensive litigation experience has contributed to success after success for respondents in immigration court.

families of immigrants


Experienced immigration attorneys can help families stay together without the fear of deportation. Our clients depend on Sweet & Paciorek to fully evaluate each case and ensure all evidence is properly filed without risking their safety and security. With distinguished experience in family petitions and waivers for families both in the United States and abroad, the attorneys at Sweet & Paciorek have secured permanent status for countless families, ensuring family unity for generations to come.

immigrant crime victims


Trained immigration attorneys can support immigrant victims of crime and help prevent further traumatization by working with victims in their pursuit of justice. Sweet & Paciorek clients trust that our attorneys will support and protect their rights from the point of the reporting of the crime to the pursuit of permanent immigration status related to their victimization. Sweet & Paciorek attorneys have widespread experience helping victims of domestic violence, assault, robbery, and a number of other crimes secure immigration status.


Attorneys skilled in asylum and refugee law can help immigrants fleeing persecution find a safe home in the United States. Our clients count on Sweet & Paciorek’s knowledge to present a thoroughly researched and complete claim to give them the best opportunity for success. As experts in the field of asylum and refugee law, Sweet & Paciorek attorneys have successfully presented asylum claims for individuals fleeing persecution from countries around the world.

immigrant employees


Employers come to Sweet & Paciorek for succinct advice on how to best secure foreign employees for their businesses and projects.  Our attorneys work hard to provide a beneficial outcome for both employers and employees alike, providing guidance throughout each step of the process.  Once a case is approved, Sweet & Paciorek attorneys have extensive experience assisting employees to navigate consular processing at US consulates abroad or at local offices of US Citizenship and Immigration Services.


Immigrants are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking schemes, but a knowledgeable immigration attorney can significantly assist immigrant survivors of human trafficking in their journey of recovery. Survivors of human trafficking turn to Sweet & Paciorek to help them secure permanent legal status in the United States, knowing that they can access the tools and services needed for healing in one place. The attorneys at Sweet & Paciorek have unique knowledge of human trafficking immigration cases and have assisted survivors to exercise their rights and privileges under immigration laws.

Philadelphia Office

Avondale Office